Mp3s of the Ebook "Djembe Percussion from Westafrica"

Package 1

  • Track 1 to 8, original recordings:, finest djembe percussion played by musicians of the Konate Family, recorded at Conakry at Ibro Konate's home (Gumbe, Macru, Djole, Yankadi, Balakulania, Kuku, Kadan, Soli). These recordings include the arrangements, songs and solo phrases of the eight pieces of music represented in this ebook
  • Zip file 1 to 8, all the basic rhythms: 1. Gumbe, 2. Macru, 3. Djole, 4. Yankadi, 5. Balakulania, 6. Kuku, 7. Kadan, 8. Soli (accompaniments, calls, Kenkeni, Sangban, Dununba)

Package 2

  • Track 1 to 8,  play along or groove numbers: Gumbe, Macru, Djole, Yankadi, Balakulania, Kuku, Kadan, Soli, played in a 6 minute medium tempo version for personal practice of all the rhythms and solos
  • Track 9 to 44: Sounds and technique exercises


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MP3s: Play alongs

Auf diesen Mp3s sind 7-minütige play-along Versionen. Die Mp3s sind gut geeignet, um zum Beispiel das Solieren zu üben. Es sind keine Lehr-CDs, die einzelnen Stücke sind nicht erklärt!


  • Djembé Percussion: "Rhythmen aus Westafrika", Viererrhythmen

  • (Djigbu, Salamaleikum, Cucu in Tempo 100, Rumba, Djolé, Balakulania in Tempo 100, Danza, Kebendo, Cucu in Tempo 120, Balakulania in Tempo 120)
  • Djembé Percussion: "Rhythmen aus Westafrika", Zwölferrhythmen

  • (Jankadi, Kakilambé in Tempo 178, Soli, Kadan, Sabar, Dundunbé Gidamba, Mamaya Dija)

  • Mp3 to the Ebook: "Djembe Percussion from Westafrica II"
  • play along or groove numbers of Gumbe, Macru, Djole, Yankadi, Balakulania, Kuku, Kadan, Soli, played in a 6 minute medium tempo version for personal practice of all rhythms and solos
  • Notations in the ebook "Djembe Percussion from Westafrica II"


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Mp3s: Djembe Music


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